Keir Dullea

[6] Joseph Bottoms (The Black Hole) stars as a blind man who receives experimental surgery allowing him to ‘see’ sonar images with help from a device. As he’s getting used to being blind and using the new machine, a taxicab-driving serial killer is on the prowl, picking up young women and cutting them open with a surgical knife while they’re still alive. Eventually, the blind …

[4] Peter Hyams (Capricorn One, The Relic) tackles Arthur C. Clarke’s sequel novel. It is, of course, a fool’s errand to follow so closely in the footsteps of Stanley Kubrick and his revolutionary and revered 2001: A Space Odyssey, but for whatever reason, that errand was run. And for a while, 2010‘s not so bad. 2001 leaves a lot of mystery in its wake, so …