Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)


Thor: Love and Thunder is another Marvel movie. It is better than a few other Marvel movies, but not as good as most. It was never torturous to watch, but if a storm knocked the movie theater’s power out, I would not have been sad to leave at any point. Thor: Love and Thunder is another Marvel movie. It tries to be cute and funny and succeeds a few times. Many times, it does not. It has a wee bit of excitement in it, but nothing very memorable. It tries to be poignant at the end, but we’ve seen this trick a few too many times by now. Thor: Love and Thunder is another Marvel movie. Christian Bale plays Voldemort. There are goats. Russell Crowe is almost funny. Chris Hemsworth’s arms are bigger than ever, so if you get bored, you can always focus on those. Directed by Taika Waititi; with Natalie Portman and Tessa Thompson. Thor: Love and Thunder is another Marvel movie.