21 Jump Street (2012)


Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill star in this big-screen adaptation of the Fox TV show, about two young cops who go undercover at a high school to help find the supplier for a new, deadly drug. Young directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (The Lego Movie) do well with Michael Bacall’s (Manic, Scott Pilgrim vs the World) screenplay, keeping things light, irreverent, and even a little self-aware at times. Brie Larson’s along for the ride as Hill’s love interest, but make no mistake — this is a bromance movie between Tatum’s cool jock character and Hill’s smart nerd character. And who doesn’t love a good bromance? Highlights include a sequence in which our two heroes try to make each other puke up a hallucinogenic drug in the men’s room, only to end up tripping balls in front of the school hall monitor. With Dave Franco and Ice Cube.