Bad Johnson (2014)


Cam Gigandet (Easy A, Twilight) stars as a playboy whose penis detaches and manifests as its own person (Nick Thune). I’m all for absurd concepts and sex comedies, but Bad Johnson plays it too safe and formulaic to leave much of an impression. Once Gigandet’s character and his penis squabble and call it splits, the film falls into standard rom-com territory with Gigandet trying to make amends to the women he’s hassled over the years. Yawn. It doesn’t help that Gigandet has little to no charisma or screen presence. Thune is a little more interesting as the ‘wild id’ sort of character, but doesn’t take things far enough. The film’s climax features one clever (or utterly ridiculous?) idea involving medication for erectile dysfunction, but it’s too little too late for a film I wish would have been a little more imaginative. Or dirty. Or sexy. Or funny. Or interesting.