Edward Scissorhands (1990)


A naive Avon lady discovers a strange young man named Edward who has scissors for hands living in an abandoned castle and decides to bring him home to her suburban community. At first Edward is the talk of the town, but when the novelty wears off, Edward must decide which is worse — the scorn of the mob or the loneliness of his old castle.

The style and emotional wallup of Tim Burton’s modern day fairy tale leave an indelible impression. The bizarre yet cogent combination of fantasy and ’60s kitsch makes Edward Scissorhands a one-of-a-kind visual delight.  Johnny Depp’s performance, which recalls silent screen pantomime, is restrained and elegant. Dianne Wiest and Alan Arkin also give delightfully quirky supporting performances. We also get Vincent Price in one of his final film roles. The real star of the movie, however, is Danny Elfman, whose musical score hits on all cylinders, turning the humdrum of suburbia into a charming ballet, and underlining every dramatic opportunity with haunting beauty.

With Winona Ryder and Anthony Michael Hall.

Oscar Nomination: Best Makeup