On the Edge (2001)


Cillian Murphy (28 Days Later, Sunshine) stars as a troubled teen sent to a group therapy clinic after intentionally driving his car off a cliff. If I’d never seen Girl, Interrupted, this movie might resonate more with me. But as it is, it’s too much of a clone of the Winona Ryder film to really distinguish itself. But Cillian’s face is beautiful to look at, and he turns in a good performance. Tricia Vessey is also good as the budding love interest with a self-cutting issue, and multiple Emmy-winner Jonathan Jackson (General Hospital) does solid work in the role for which Angelina Jolie won her Oscar in Girl, Interrupted. Stephen Rea (The Crying Game) underplays it as the group counselor. And is it just me, or is there something disingenuous about ‘love’ curing suicidal thoughts? Are we really all doomed to suicide if we can’t find someone to distract our libidos?