Role Models (2008)


Paul Rudd and Seann William Scott star as disillusioned men sentenced to community service via some sort of Big Brother program. Scott may be a one-note actor, but there’s nothing wrong with that as long as he plays his note well (it worked for John Wayne, didn’t it?)  Rudd is usual cute, funny self — sign me up for more. Then there’s McLovin, aka Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and little Bobb’e J. Thompson, who play the kids Scott and Rudd are forced to spend “quality time” with. Thompson is a scene stealer as a boob-obsessed runt who cusses like a sailor. Jane Lynch (Glee) is memorable as the recovering (?) cocaine addict in charge of the program. The screenplay, co-written by Rudd, is the best kind of comedy screenplay. It gives the talent center stage while presenting only enough plot to keep things moving forward. The third act delivers a satisfying climax, especially if you’re a fan of Kiss.