Street Trash (1987)


Street Trash is grade-A schlock, precisely the kind of movie that would make your mama cry if she knew you were watching it. An unwitting liquor store owner discovers an old crate of booze and starts selling it to the local homeless population. Unfortunately, the toxic brew has a nasty side effect — the drinker quickly disintegrates into a puddle of bubbling goo! The special effects and overall production values are surprisingly high for a B-movie, but what I liked most about Street Trash was its portrayal of junkyard life. The homeless characters sleep in huts made of tires, live from bottle to bottle, and defer to the overlording of a Vietnam vet who sits on a throne of car parts, a feral hussy usually glued to his crotch. Screenwriter Roy Frumkes does his best to offend every possible viewer. Whether its a severed penis being bandied about like a hot potato or a daring dose of light-hearted necrophilia, Street Trash delivers ample glop and nasty for a great many thirteen-year-old boys… and the thirteen-year-old boy in us all.