
[8] Stranded in the desert on their way to California, a family is attacked by savage cannibals in Wes Craven’s brutal, low-budget horror flick, The Hills Have Eyes. I love the setting and tone of the film. The isolation of the desert location and the darkness that surrounds the family’s wrecked camper create a palpable atmosphere of dread and terror that’s hard to shake, especially …

[5] If you like your tunnel-dwelling cannibals all distraught and sobbing, Raw Meat might be for you. Donald Pleasence stars as a quirky detective trying to solve a missing person case that leads to an even bigger fish. Turns out there are inbreds living in the London subway tunnels, and oh deary my, they like to eat people. The film spends fully half its time …

[3] I enjoyed the blend of dark humor and horror that Eli Roth brought to his first film, Cabin Fever. And even though it was pretty much torture porn, I thought Hostel had merit, too. But The Green Inferno is a mess to me. I instantly hated the characters. Granted, I think we’re supposed to hate them, but since the whole cannibal thing doesn’t really …