Lucy Deakins

[6] John Candy and Dan Aykroyd costar as prickly brothers-in-law who try their best to get along after Aykroyd unceremoniously crashes Candy’s planned family vacation. The Great Outdoors was spawned from the ever-prolific pen of John Hughes, coming off a string of hits that included Planes Trains and Automobiles, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Weird Science, and The Breakfast Club. (The man was truly a force …

[7] The Boy Who Could Fly is a goofy movie, but it has a lot of heart. Lucy Deakins stars as Milly, a fourteen-year-old girl who has just moved to a new town after her father committed suicide. She discovers her next door neighbor is an autistic boy named Eric (Jay Underwood) who is always sitting in his window sill with arms wide, pretending to …