Tarzan and the Slave Girl (1950)


A secret civilization is dying of a mysterious disease, so they start kidnapping women to repopulate! Lex Barker swings into action in his second outing as Tarzan, determined to rescue Jane (Vanessa Brown) and a lustful, headstrong nurse (Denise Darcel) from the kidnappers. Cheeta the Chimp’s antics are thankfully kept to a minimum (though he does get drunk in a scene) and Darcel’s performance is wonderfully kooky and over-the-top (think Charo on steroids). Brown is dull in her single outing as Jane, and the climax relies on help from the elephants… again. But Barker’s good, the action is well-paced, and for a serial matinee sort of movie, it ain’t half-bad. Favorite scene is a ridiculous cat-fight between Darcel and Brown.