The Banger Sisters (2002)


My main takeaway from The Banger Sisters is this: Damn, Goldie Hawn is awesome. She shares the top billing with Susan Sarandon here, but it’s really Goldie’s movie, and she carries it superbly. The film is about old friends reuniting and overcoming their differences after decades apart. Hawn plays the one who hasn’t changed much from their old Bohemian ways, while Sarandon plays the one who ‘came clean’ and made a successful stab at the good life, complete with husband, house, and two demanding children. Problem is, the ‘good life’ is quietly killing Sarandon, so Hawn comes to the rescue. Cue the makeover and partying scenes. It’s not terribly original, but screenwriter/director Bob Dolman is pretty good with dialogue and keeps the banter between the women and their supporting players surprisingly fresh and engaging. Geoffrey Rush is fun as an unusual love interest for Hawn’s character, a struggling writer who decides it’s time to kill his father. With Erika Christensen.