The King (2005)


Gael Garcia Bernal (Y Tu Mama Tambien) and William Hurt star in this dark, disturbing drama about a troubled young Navy officer (Bernal) who comes to Corpus Christi to find the father he’s never met (Hurt). Unfortunately, Hurt’s character is a devout preacher with a new family and wants nothing to do with his illegitimate son. But that doesn’t stop Bernal from starting an affair with Hurt’s daughter… and things get much more twisted and bloody from there. The King simmers in a brew of guns, Jesus, and mental instability that keeps you on edge through most of its running time. Despite some surprising turns, however, it never culminates like it I wanted it to. Writer/director James Marsh (The Theory of Everything) and cowriter Milo Addica (Monster’s Ball) purposefully deny us a climactic showdown between father and son. One one hand, I suppose that would have been a predictable way to end the story. But on the other hand, it’s hard not to feel a little cheated without it. Paul Dano (There Will Be Blood) is memorable as Hurt’s other son and the object of Bernal’s envy.