Ninotchka (1939)


It's fun to watch Greta Garbo defrost in Ninotchka.  She plays an oh-so-serious Russian sent to Paris to straighten out the sale of some allegedly stolen jewels. Melvyn Douglas gets in her way. At first, he's an annoyance, but a curious one. Her no-nonsense attitude toward him makes for a unlikely cinematic romance. The highlight of their courtship is a restaurant scene where Douglas is determined to make Garbo laugh. He tells joke after joke to no affect. Then Douglas leans back too far in his chair and falls on his ass. This results in one of the most joyous reaction shots from the Golden Age of Cinema.

The last half of the movie loses some charm and spontaneity, but not enough to stop Ninotchka from leaving a lasting impression.  In the most competitive year in movie history, Ninotchka nabbed Oscar nominations for Best Picture, Best Actress, and Best Screenplay (cowritten by Billy Wilder). Look for Dracula star Bela Lugosi in a supporting role.