Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)


Hey, it’s another Spider-Man movie! Before I’ve even finished processing the previous two incarnations of the franchise. Tom Holland takes over the title role after making an appearance as Spidey in Captain America: Civil War. The best thing about this new Spider-Man is Tom Holland. He’s by far the most immature and effervescent Peter Parker/Spider-Man we’ve seen, and I really enjoyed watching his youthful enthusiasm and naive wonderment. He carries the movie extraordinarily well.

Thank goodness Homecoming isn’t an origin story, either. Instead, we get to cut to the chase. Iron Man (Robert Downey, Jr, appearing in a few scenes) is kinda mentoring Peter Parker, prepping him for the day he might be able to join The Avengers. Downey and Holland are great together — the second best thing about the movie. I also have to thank goodness that the bad guy subplot doesn’t derail the fun like it does in so many other superhero movies. Michael Keaton does a fine job as the villain here, someone who’s stealing alien technology to create a dangerous, underground arms trade. He scary without trying too hard, and that’s one of the reasons we love Michael Keaton, isn’t it?

There are memorable action sequences involving the Washington Monument and the Staten Island Ferry, the third act brings out an unexpected surprise, Jacob Batalon brings comic relief as Peter’s nerdy best friend, and Michael Giacchino serves up the most memorable Spidey score since Danny Elfman was last involved. If Marvel has to keep making superhero movies that I’m never that excited to see, at least they keep making them entertaining (for the most part).

With Marisa Tomei, Jon Favreau, and Donald Glover.