Peter Parker

[7] Hey, it’s another Spider-Man movie! Before I’ve even finished processing the previous two incarnations of the franchise. Tom Holland takes over the title role after making an appearance as Spidey in Captain America: Civil War. The best thing about this new Spider-Man is Tom Holland. He’s by far the most immature and effervescent Peter Parker/Spider-Man we’ve seen, and I really enjoyed watching his youthful …

[7] The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was better than I was expecting. Unlike nearly all the Batman movies, the Spider-Man movies — both the Sam Raimi ones and these new ones from Marc Webb — succeed in keeping the hero upfront and interesting, the star of his own movie, you know? So I gotta give Spidey credit there. In fact, a lot of people are probably …

[7] Sam Raimi (The Evil Dead) takes the reigns and casts Tobey Maguire as the famous web-slinging superhero. The script is ripe with pointed dialogue, but I’ll be darned if the cast don’t pull it off more often than not. Raimi’s approach is decidedly ‘comic booky’, full of color and frenetically paced, with all the grace notes and emotional high points bent toward operatic. As …