
[8] Stranded in the desert on their way to California, a family is attacked by savage cannibals in Wes Craven’s brutal, low-budget horror flick, The Hills Have Eyes. I love the setting and tone of the film. The isolation of the desert location and the darkness that surrounds the family’s wrecked camper create a palpable atmosphere of dread and terror that’s hard to shake, especially …

[5] A strict vegetarian (Garance Marillier) attends a veterinary school where bizarre student hazing creates a craving for hunger that can’t be satiated. Raw may sound like a gory horror film, but it really isn’t that sort of movie. It plays out more like a Twilight Zone episode, complete with a cute explanatory epilogue. It takes a long time for the main character to discover her cannibalistic desires. …

[3] I enjoyed the blend of dark humor and horror that Eli Roth brought to his first film, Cabin Fever. And even though it was pretty much torture porn, I thought Hostel had merit, too. But The Green Inferno is a mess to me. I instantly hated the characters. Granted, I think we’re supposed to hate them, but since the whole cannibal thing doesn’t really …