Mark Wahlberg

[3] One of the now-many thuds on M. Night Shyamalan’s fall from Hollywood grace was this apocalyptic tale of (drum roll) plants exacting revenge on humankind… because they’re mad… or something. It’s hard to believe that it never occurred to Night or Twentieth Century Fox that this would ultimately result in a movie where people do nothing but run from wind machines. Unfortunately, the core …

[9] Martin Scorsese helms this dramatic thriller about an undercover cop (Leonardo DiCaprio) and a gang mole in the Boston police (Matt Damon) who race to uncover each other’s identities while a powerful mobster (Jack Nicholson) manipulates them both to his own, nefarious advantage. The Departed, inspired by the true story of Irish mobster Whitey Bulger, hits the ground running and never lets up on …

[9] Writer/director Paul Thomas Anderson’s ode to the ’70s porn industry brings poignant depth to its sensational subject matter.  It’s also an amazing showcase of top-notch acting and directing.  Anderson is a rare creative talent, as skilled with actors as with the camera, a compelling combination of Steven Spielberg and Robert Altman. The formidable cast includes Julianne Moore, Burt Reynolds, Don Cheadle, John C. Reilly, …

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