Marlon Brando

[9] This was the first blockbuster superhero movie (for better and for worse) and I doubt there will ever be a better film adaptation for the Man of Steel. Under Richard Donner’s (The Omen, Lethal Weapon) direction and good taste, Superman is a winning blend of action, drama, charm, and yes, camp. The first forty minutes are emotionally powerful, more than any other comic book …

[9] The Godfather balances the private lives of its characters with their sensational ‘occupation’, and that’s why I like it more than other ‘tough-guy’ movies. If I didn’t care about the family members, no amount of horse beheadings or car explosions would be able to pick up the slack. Brando and Duvall command respect in their seemingly effortless performances, and Pacino provides all the empathy …

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