Martin Freeman

[8] A bunch of British people fall in love, out of love, and do lovey-dovey things in the month leading up to Christmas. Now, if you’re like me, that’s a description that will keep you from ever wanting to watch Love Actually. But since a hundred different people have insisted I watch it over the last fifteen years since it was released, I finally gave …

[6] Somewhere in Africa, there’s a secret society hidden away by fancy technology. They have, like, a really super-strong metal there that the rest of the world wants, but the secret African people know the rest of the world will just destroy itself if it ever gets their metal, so they don’t share it. But then one of their metal weapons is found in a …

[6] While this is definitely a better movie than the first one, my attempt to enjoy it is still hampered by constant annoyance. First, the bad:  This shit is still way too long. Dragging this story out into three movies is looking more and more like a fatal error. Then there’s the computer-generated imagery. I know I sound like Old Mister Wilson telling Dennis to …