Nicole Kidman

[6] Nicole Kidman stars as a recently widowed woman who meets a young boy claiming to be her husband reincarnated. Jonathan Glazer (Sexy Beast) directs from a script he co-wrote, keeping the true nature of the piece shrouded in mystery until just the right time. Is the boy really Kidman’s husband, or is it all a strange hoax? Kidman is terrific in a role that …

[7] In the final film from Stanley Kubrick, a socialite couple (Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman) get in over their heads when they decide to follow their adulterous impulses. This movie gets a bad rep, but I think it’s primarily because the casting of two superstars led to more commercial audience expectations. It’s a more intimate portrait than that, and beautifully made. I really love …

[7] First of all, Batman Forever is not Batman and Robin, which came out two years later. For whatever reason, nearly everyone tends to confuse the two or lump them together. Both were directed by Joel Schumacher (The Lost Boys, Flatliners), but in my mind they are very, very different movies. I enjoy Batman Forever way more than I should, but Batman and Robin is …

[5] Two volatile sisters reunite for the younger one’s wedding, causing secrets to be revealed and relationships to fray. This Noah Baumbach (Kicking and Screaming, The Squid and the Whale) flick is very character-centered as you might expect — a good vehicle for Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Jason Leigh as the two sisters. Newcomer Zane Pais, as Kidman’s awkward teenaged son, gets as much screen …

[9] The Hours is a fascinating exploration of three women living in different times and different places, each of them struggling to find their personal bliss against the pressures and expectations of marriage and motherhood. The film is a meditation on death and sacrifice — obviously not the kind we associate with men on the battlefield, but the quiet, stifling kind suffered by people, traditionally …

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