Stephen Root

[7] Jordan Peele of Key and Peele comedy fame takes an auspicious stab at writing and directing a horror film with Get Out, the story of a young black man who starts to get the heebie jeebies after being introduced to his white girlfriends’ family. At first, it’s innocent enough — white people making statements about voting for Obama, loving Tiger Woods, and conceding to …

[5] Two loser brothers are forced by their parents to bring dates to their sister’s wedding. Zac Efron and Adam Devine (mini-Jack Black) play the losers, channeling goofy male leads from every romantic comedy you ever saw. Anna Kendrick and Aubrey Plaza are more interesting as their crude-n-rude chosen companions. Neighbors screenwriters Brendan O’Brien and Andrew Jay Cohen can’t avoid all the pitfalls of narrative rom-coms. We …

[5] In the first film, Mick Dundee (Paul Hogan) was a fish out of water in New York. This time around, the action is transported largely to the Australian Outback, with Linda Kozlowski’s character being more of the fish. Unfortunately, this sequel is short on laughs and anti-climactic, but Hogan and Kozlowski are charming enough to make it worth a gander for those who enjoyed …