Udo Kier

[7] Matt Damon stars in writer/director Alexander Payne’s (Election, Nebraska) film about a man who undergoes a miraculous new “shrinking” process so that he can live in a miniature utopia where his money is worth more… a lot more. Unfortunately, the man’s wife (Kristen Wiig) gets cold feet and bails on the procedure after he’s already been shrunk. From thereon out, Downsizing is about finding yourself …

[7] John Malkovich stars as renowned German film director F.W. Murnau during the making of the seminal 1922 horror movie, Nosferatu. Willem Dafoe co-stars as enigmatic, creepy-as-shit Max Schreck, who played the vampire in Murnau’s classic. But that’s just the springboard for Shadow of the Vampire, which is really more concerned about creating its own fiction than depicting any behind-the-scenes reality. The gimmick here is …

[6] Dexter‘s Desmond Harrington stars in this competent psycho-sexual horror flick about a guy who confuses reality and fantasy after falling in love with a lifelike sex doll. After gaining a little sexual confidence through his interaction with the doll, he’s able to start a relationship with a real-life woman (Melissa Sagemiller), but when Harrington’s character believes the sex doll is getting jealous, things start …